New Jersey Attorneys Can Help: The Gun Permit Process in NJ

Any New Jersey citizen
wishing to purchase a pistol will need to apply for a Handgun Purchase Permit
(HPP). You must be at least 21 years of age to apply for a HPP. Any New Jersey
citizen wishing to purchase a long gun, rifle, or shotgun must apply for a
Firearm Purchaser Identification card (FPID). You must be at least 18 years of
age to apply for a FPID. It is important to note that the application must be
filled out accurately and truthfully and multiple copies may need to be
submitted. References are required and will be contacted. In addition, a medical health records search form will need to be
submitted, which allows for a mental health background check to be conducted. The applicant will
also need to photocopy their driver’s license and social security card, and will need to be fingerprinted, typically at outside location. It should be noted that any gun safety course
documentation, gun training, or proof of experience can be considered in the
application process. There is an application fee, fingerprinting fee, and $5 fee that applies for ever permit you are requesting.

Once the application and
documentation is submitted to the local police department, by law, the
department is to notify the applicant within 30 days as to whether or not their
application was approved. Although the law requires a response within 30 days,
the time requirement is often ignored and the process can take months to
complete. At times, citizens are denied permits to purchase by their local police
departments because of an inaccurate application or because there was an issue
of concern that surfaced in the mental health background check. That is why it
is common for individuals to retain the assistance of an attorney to review the
gun purchase application, medical health records, and issue a letter to
accompany the application to the local police chief. Hiring an attorney before
an application is submitted can be beneficial to those who are unsure of
whether their application will be approved. Hiring an attorney is also
beneficial because a New Jersey attorney will also be persistent in assuring
the police department review the application and respond within the 30 days required by New Jersey law.
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